SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

So you are defending Poke. You defended him by ruining the reaction test and about the “could have been hammer” for starters.

A reaction test I didn’t knew that was a reaction test. Wow.

/vote Merc

Join me people. If Poke is confirmable let’s give him a day.

Why are you openly defending someone who has a high chance of being scum?

1 Like
Suspect Voters Total
Reaper Squid, Merc, Luxy, Poke, Celeste, Insanity 6/7
Poke Litten, Shurian, Reaper 5/7
Merc Math :crown: 2/7

Why is everyone saying I’m defending Poke?

Okay first of all, stop talking like that. This happens every game and Im here to stop this. Once again, stop saying someone is confirmed scum like every freaking mislynch you guys have done on me.

K merc granted I may not have read the whole thread throughly but I noticed the shift in the way you spoke, who do you think is scum with gamer?


/Vote Merc

The one part of the thread I read and wolfy is clearly Town, esp since their soft claim.

Why do you think wolfy is scum with gamer?

Whatever reason may be the armored passive
My toss attacks feedbakcs only say “Did not die” and let vague the chances of being immune, a miss or protected

Suspect Voters Total
Reaper Squid, Merc, Luxy, Poke, Celeste, Insanity 6/7
Poke Litten, Shurian, Reaper 5/7
Merc Math :crown:, Litten 3/7

They made two posts I found to be suspicious but didn’t really ISO or stuff

Im not just mad at people saying I am confirmed scum but also for thinking other people scum because you think Im scum and someone is defending scum cause in what way am I confirmed. If you wunna say they are scum, then do it after someone is confirmed scum

It sounds like you were caught either pocketing or defending a scum buddy
/vote Merc

I do think Merc is scum, also Poke
Hang one, I retaliate the other

1 Like

Now answer me what I asked. WHERE did I defend Poke?

Suspect Voters Total
Reaper Squid, Merc, Luxy, Poke, Celeste, Insanity 6/7
Poke Litten, Shurian, Reaper 3/7
Merc Math :crown:, Litten, Merc 4/7

You all are attacking me on something I didn’t do and just answer me with “yes you were”.