@reaper might as well tell us your weapon choice you already lost
/vote Lances
Okay sheep time
From last day duh
pls no psychological pressure on reapy
but you framed me
No hurt my precious
Merc make them vote for themselves to suffer
Rigel’s Heir (Passive) - If Starting Alm, you will appear as a Rigelian to all checks on you, all day attacks targeting you will have 20% less accuracy, and the day after a King Rudolf dies at night, you will have the priority ascension to the throne.
Commandeering (Day) - If Clive is dead at the end of today, choose another Deliverance member. They will become Clive at the start of tonight. - 1 use
Falchion (Day) - Attack a player. You have 15% chance to kill them. If they are Magical, gain 40% accuracy. - 2 uses
Recruitment (Night) - Choose a player. You will convert them to the Deliverance. - oo uses (1-Night Cooldown)
@Kirefitten How did you check Reaper as Alm? They are supposed to show Rigelian?
Can’t now
Merc keep you day ability for the climax of today
/vote Lances :3 Let’s go bois
Slow your roll please people.
Let derpy Math catch up to you all.
I wanna be awake just to make it happen
time for reveal three, I followed them and they visited Marcus N2
the nail in the coffin
This is more smooth and less complex; besides, you don’t lose lynches by having weapon voting
Myrmidon said he forced Reaper into Marcus tho
@Kirefitten uhm how?
more or less I lied two times, I’m
Actually a sly knight who followed them M2.
and guess who visited Marcus
I was so confident they were alm which is why I Keep switching claims