SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

24 Hours is up.

Day is starting soon.

As the Night shifted into Dawn, The Rigelians Frustrated with their efforts, and low morale over their situation, awoke to more bloodshed. Two more of their own layed on the ground, mutilated, and lifeless. As the Rigelians check over their bodies, they see it was Reaper, and Wolfy.

Reapers Flip


Baron :crown:

Rigelian Killer

Converts to Lukas

You are the wall. The best line of defense. Your immense shields and body armor are the reason Rigel stands today, and will continue to stand for eternity. And every Deliverance soldier that rushes at you will find themselves against an immovable object.

Armored (Passive) - You will survive the first successful day attack that targets you. The first time you would die due to effects of Defend or Retaliation, you will survive.

Ridersbane (Passive) - If targeting a player with the Mounted passive during the day, you will have 40% more chance to kill them.

Javelin Toss (Day) - Attack a player. You have a 20% chance of killing them. - 2 uses

Defend (Night) - Watch over a player, and sacrifice your life to kill their attackers. Bypasses death immunity. - oo uses

Retaliation (Night) - Attack a player. If you kill a Rigelian, you will die as well. Cannot be used Night 1. - 2 uses

Reaper`s Logs

N1: Defend Merc n1.
D2: Attack Marcus. Did not die. (Miss, immune or protection)

N2: Defend Luxy. Probably killed NK, no deathnotes tho so I am not sure. Turns out I was redirectioned to Marcus.
D3: Attack Insanity. Did not die.

N3: Attack Merc.
I have to CS here. At this point I am pretty much confirmable, which puts a target on my back. I could be converted, I could be attacked. If I get someone with me, even if redirectioned, at least I am lowering the number of people to be suspicious of. If I hit Merc, she can’t slow down my future plans.

N4: Attack Marcus. Same reasons as before, but I cannot let scum have numbers. Sorry, FK.

Wolfy`s Flip


Cleric :fire:

Rigelian Support

Converts to Silque

Advocates of pacifism, you desire no war nor bloodshed on any country’s soil. However, forced into servitude of Rigel by the fall of your goddess, Mila, you find that it may be easier to deal with the suffering if you can save as many lives as possible on the battlefield.

Warp (Day) - Teleport a player and bring them to you today. For the rest of today, any day attacks and abilities that target them will be ineffective, but they will die alongside you if you die to a day attack. - 2 uses

Recover (Night) - Heal a player. Their day attacks will gain 10% accuracy tomorrow. - oo uses.

Physic (Night) - Choose a player and heal their wounds, bypassing visit prevention and redirection. Their day attacks will gain 10% accuracy tomorrow. - 2 uses

Wolfy`s Logs

Cleric Wolfy:

N1: Recovered Squid
N2: Recovered Fire
N3: Recovered Shurian
N4: Recovered Litten

You have 24 hours to elect a new king. Because you Lynched Desaix, Nobility is Disabled.

The Deliverance has brought Axes to Battle.

Reaper why tf did you try to CS when there is a Tatarrah in-game.

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The guy is called Desaix btw

Make me king!

How do this work.

/Step Up?

Everyone agrees with me that Tatarrah is the biggest treat now?
/step up even if no one is supposedly aligned with me just to bring cookies to y’all

I’m proven neighbor person. Whatever it’s called.

Make me king for cookies as well.

Also I may or may not have went over board with chess yesterday

don’t listen to him
he stole my cookies.

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I did. Listen to me

Merc and Fk have stepped up to be King.

And if i remember correctly from FoL changes, you vote for whoever you want as king in your Class cards.

woah isn’t it too fast

As the Rigelians, Now in a panicked state with more of their own dead, try to find someone among them to lead. But, as they all assembled, one was missing. As they searched for their missing comrade, they found him, or what was left of him…

As you all looked upon the lifeless corpse, you recognized it as Luxy

Luxy`s Flip


Sky Knight :crown:

Rigelian Investigative

Converts to Clair

No walls or citadels have enough height to stop your search. And though you could just as easily hurl javelins down onto the soldiers below, you and your pegasus fly above all the other soldiers, and act as the silent scout in the night.

Airborne (Passive) - You bypass visit prevention and all players who target you with Day Attacks have 10% less chance to hit. If the Deliverance used Bows during today’s battle, this passive is disabled until the next day.

Reconnaissance (Day) - Choose a player and see if they used a Day Ability today. You will be notified at the start of tonight. - 1 use

Aerial Vigil (Night) - Watch a player and see who visits them. - oo uses

Follow (Night) - Follow a player with your pegasus and see who they visit. - 2 uses

Luxy`s logs

[quote=“Luxy, post:29, topic:73378”]

Luxy the Sky Knight

N1: Aerial Vigil Mathblade - vb No One
N2: Aerial Vigil Firekitten - vb Marcus & Wolfy
N3: Follow Marcus - Did not visit.

Marcus said he compared Shurian and Insanity but he visited Firekitten. HE IS LOCKSCUM, probably Clive. If I die tonight get him, I will follow him to see if he kills anyone.

hm so I read Luxy correctly

hey guys
if FK is converted you could tell us bc it would mean we got majority and my king card is a YOLO WINS SOLO.

I’m not converted.

this is sad.

alexa play lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to

basically we have at least 3 guaranteed scum and me
so at the best it’s a draw

I shall not let y’all win.

also who’s alive