SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

Class Cards Will be sent out when Liv gets back

All class cards have been updated. You have 6 hours before Night 1 starts to do any day actions and will have until the end of Night 1 to confirm your new card.

Also, hail the King of Math!


yas pizza king
btw what was the classlist of the previous game?

I was berkut

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Good luck have fun all

Okay, the reason I asked for vet lances to be picked was to WIFOM scum. I haven’t seen their picks for the decoy but I am fairly certain that they have not chose lances as their weapon, granted that if we pick it they lose on 2/3 picks.

So if we assume that they haven’t picked lances, then we can pick whatever lances beats

Which happens to be swords

/vote Swords


Thought so.

We Rerolled My friend.

What the shit

Reminder, Confirm in your Class Cards.

We Made a pretty huge Mod error

Unaccounted for passive

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So is it d1 again facepalm

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Yup and as always and forever I am unconvertible

Hunter Prince Neutral Killer Evil King Good King Vigilante Merchant

Now good king again makes 9 huzzah!

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0/10 I am not king
I wanted tho : (

What is your color? :eyes:

Red :slight_smile:

my color is green that means I am townie right?

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