SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

Not necessarily. I’m somewhat active right now, but doing essays and things for uni so I’m just nit thinking about making the votes yet


Lances - Merc, Math :crown: 3/7

This game is slow and this is a placeholder vote.

/vote Lances
5 mins to ask me anything

“Scum in the active voters”
I was the only voter for today. Tf you talking about?

“No one has done anything towards weapon choice”
Yeah we were just theorizing a little later

Also why the Lances vote?

Active players*

It is what defeats swords and gets the ball rolling on discussion

Theres a difference between active then and active now


Anyhow scum hunting time
I’ll just leave it to everyone else because I’m sleeping >_>

Also you didn’t do anything to get why there were no kills, you just asked questions to be seen as participative

Crunch Crunch.

This quote was slightly edited to correct grammar and formatting.

Have fun im dropping out

rip shuri

I did do something to see why no other kills.

I asked. Not much else I can do.

I do agree I am more lurky than usual. I just don’t have a handle on the game yet.

/vote Axes

'Tis is a placeholder vote.

Get one then


Lances - Merc, Math :crown: , Shuri 4/7
Axes - Insanity 1/7

/vote Lances