SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

/vote axes

Let’s assume Alm got a convert n1, would they double lion n2?

They might since they’re in a bit of a pickle

Cmon guys don’t expect me to carry :frowning:

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Y e s

I’m holding off a weapon vote atm because I don’t want to hammer lances.

I think Deliverance this time would have picked Axes since it was a draw.
However, because we went Axes last time, I think they really gone for Axes. What beats axes again, because I think this might be the right move for us.

I wake up expecting 300 more posts

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I find the speed on this wagon disturbing

What’s wrong with it, or rather, who’s wrong with it?

The wagon speed is a bit too fast and I especially don’t like the people that just voted Lances without anything to add like Reaper

A disturbance in the Force!

Btw I just “hit and run” the vote because I was busy to read everything and it had majority
Also I just noticed the +1 ability reward is just there if your vote makes your side win WITH the winning weapon, so I am going for majority anyways and be what it has to be
My thoughts on the last battle couldnt be more wrong :b

Oh sorry I edited again, forgot the rule
I just add the “if your vote makes”

I too found the Sword wagon yesterday too fast thank you very much

It’s fine if you make small edits within the first five minutes of the post.
Now, your explanation for your vote is very fishy to me.

We don’t know who gets the benefits of getting an extra use of a limited ability until after the weapon is picked. However, just because a weapon is in the majority doesn’t make it okay to just choose it as that could be the weapon that scum wants you to pick which means those extra uses go to the scum team. It seems like you’re completely ignoring this and are just wanting to benefit yourself not thinking about the consequences

Okay I will try to be clearer
Not lying: did not thought a lot about that decision
Just went with the thought that people had reasons to vote Lances, and then did it for my reason above
As I said I did not read the discussion, but I will follow it from now on

So Sword Wagon was very fast yesterday and that was the losing weapon no?

Axes > Swords > Lances > Axes right?

Wouldn’t that mean Lances are the losing weapon today?

That’s a fair assumption. I also said before reroll that is likely that first majority is scum trying to persuade town into the vote, this could apply here, but I would be assuming all first voters were scum.

For reasons below
Double Lion is possible.
Swords was chosen, to bait everyone into Axes because the last battle was Lances->Axes.

They would also know we lack a Lance tiebreaker (do we have any other Lance tiebreakers?)

Swords was the winning weapon.