SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

You didn’t call any of them scum specially, rather, you’re in between on them, so technically, Math’s statement is not wrong

What do you mean by external influence.

I also didn’t call you or Math scum. I feel like one of you two is just parroting and I have to spare a time to read it all and see which one of you is it.

Everyone else saying a player is scum

But anyone omitted from your scale you trust as town. Then you omitted Alice. So you trust her as town with a neutral read. The question is not pointless. You were not rushed to make that list. I figured town you would at least verify that.

What’s the vote count right now @livicus

Alice was null. Along with FK.

Yes. And they aren’t in your scale. By your own words that makes Alice town. This is a contradiction.

Remind me to never backup in a game again, it’s hard to actually get into the swing of things.

At this point I want a flip from merc IMO, if merc flips scum we game solved and I think they have a pretty big chance of flipping scum.

I carried us obviously

I made the list and reviewed it. It was Poke > Shurian > Insanity > Reaper > Math > Marcus > Squid > You > Celeste > Wolfy at first and then I decided to cut some not to appear I found half of the game to be suspicious.

I usually trust FK so I just forgot to put them at the bottom.

So why is this list so different? I don’t see how you’re townreadinf Poke right now.

I can find many things wrong with that sentence


How did you find someone more suspicious if you haven’t read their posts?

So let’s blow up it all as I’m a shame at social roles. I’m Tatarrah, found Hja while trying to frame them N1. Last night I framed Reaper.
11/10. Let me just find a nice poem for the logs now.

wait so you are a neutral.

X to doubt

X but let’s see what Squid thinks. We caught clearly a not town.

They could prove themselves

They could with Alice since Alice isn’t here.

I’m Alice

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