This is information I have no clue about
Puts on tinfoil hat NK killed himself
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Poke didnt update logs god dang it
Did I not tell you to ask before?
Wait isnt lunge to clive
im confused
By the way @Livicus suggestion for next game, have a lynch vote and weapon vote going simultaneously, just make it so the day cannot end before the weapon is picked.
Or scum just autowin weapon
Is Alm redirect immune?
Who did you control them to?
Firekitten red yes on Reaper or green no on Reaper?
Doesn’t really matter Tbh
God dang it lmao okay
She wont answer
She framed me.
Just let us game solve. Already told you it’s red
That solves it
So why aren’t they dead?
Redirected me onto themselves?
But then where is the scum kill?