SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

Trust My judgment My lover :wink:

Again sometimes wagons are fast with reason. As fast wagon will likely be on Geyde tomorrow. Does that make Geyde town?

Context + speed.

Which is why questions are asked. I am fine with my vote where it is.

Thats not My argument Re read What I said

Vote swords I am 80% sure they didnt pick lances rn if We lose I will Take the blame

I still don’t trust that wagon especially since Geyde is on it

The fact that geyde is on it is exactly Why we should vote it rn

Trust me they didnt pick lances if We lose blame me then

Why? If scum is on a wagon, that could mean that they want to pick the weapon that lets them win

I like how half the people just went onto Axes because one scummy guy was on the wagon

If you were outed scum what would you do? :3

Pls read My reasoning I said earlier

Also I’ll take the blame I’ve been on swords for I dont know how long already

Shuri vote axes real quick

Outted scum who admitted is on swords

Thats the point on Why We vote swords

Omg scum chose swords something is up

Sounds okay.

Omg scum chose swords they want to choose swords

Okay fair enough

Omg scum chose swords they want us to choose swords.

Uh okay wtf? Now we have hjasik’s nice little quote here

Note he chose swords before being outed. Him voting swords are of no consequence to being outed. Before being outed, his main concerns should be What fake claim, blend in OR hop on a wagon.

The question is why he hasn’t chosen anything else.

The possibilities I see are He doesn’t want to leak out more information. OR He had been on his winning wagon here. OR He knows whatever he votes is manipulative to the rest of us, who so willingly avoid his vote.

This third part is pure wrong because he hasn’t even attempted to vote another thing. So either he had already been on his target wagon OR he wants people to go somewhere else.

I’m betting on the latter, he wants others to go to the Axe wagon. You saw how many people just happily hopped onto the Axe wagon? Heck, it hopped faster than the sword wagon. From my pov, I see no dang reason why we should pick axes over swords here.

Also, the lack of people voting Lances is curious. I understand that people now wouldn’t vote Lances, especially when Berkut is dead and he hasn’t used it. But… for those who were alive back then, why didn’t they vote Lances?


I imagine people puking as they see this hu hu hu

Weapon Voters Count
Swords Geyde, Marcus, Shurian, Hjasik, Wolfy 5/8
Lances Reaper 1/8
Axes Squid, Insanity, Math :crown:, Merc, Luxy 6/8

Your vote ain’t on axes? Nice.

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You lied to me, I see no character discussion with me D:<
I shalt not forgive… I ORDER A BEHEADING D:<

I’m in class rn. I’ll have it to you later.

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