SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)


How you do this

Look at livi’s post.

Now back to me.

Then look at the keyboard.

Use arrows

What if I am on phone


Do the mobile thing where you keyboard.

Why was alch deleted

to match fol standards

also because that was the reason no one picked axes so it’s gone


Ye can thank me for that.
As I actively objected to picking axes

Then ill Give you an Axe

To the Goddamn face.

That’s because most of us here prefers thrusting thick, long, spears by their thick, long, shafts.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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lol implying yolobombing is a good idea in first place

Hey Blizer, can i axe you a question?

Delet this

Uhh No comment

Actual Question or u just using a pun.

I believe both.

Sounds interesting

I think the initial wave of sign ups is ded
so I extend an invitation to the specs and vcers

@Captain @NAOtheRitualist @Twil1ight any reconsideration?

@Margaret @PokemonKidRyan I am a bit nervous to join this after past games. Is this going to be a serious game for you both?

Eh, both PKR and Celeste usually try when they roll a non-VT role. It’s pretty much why they’ve been banned only from competitive low-powered setups instead of all matches in general.


That’s fine and dandy but I want to hear from them they will try no matter what role before signing up in a game with them.