SFoL 43 - Infected Chat

Someone can fake claim being infected as well by the way. :wink: I might do that later.

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Do I get removed from this chat after I would possibly become the infected regent?

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If so, we need some codewords to pass me whoever is newly converted or if you’d want me to use decide fate.

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you would be removed yeah

Removed yes

Does this include the name of whoever is converted?

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No the notification will be ‘The Infection Spreads’


Okay guys, if you ever want me to mash the decide fate execution key, say “keyboard”.

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I agree with Marl. Please Timer, you’re clearing certain people like this only.

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Poor innocent Wazza lol. I’m glad I switched away from his team.

any clever ways to pass on who was converted without being susp?

We can do something with death notes and a number (offset by 3) from the players that are alive. Something weird like this that is quite changing and wouldn’t be traced back in the number of datapoints given.

/vote solic for king


Do it in your classcard to be safe.

@Luxy does it count if we do it here

Yeah its fine

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You’re the first person to ever convert me Marl by the way, cheers. :wink:


you know what i always say

big risks or no balls

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i tried to convert fk n1 and it failed, thank goodness it did too, now we have 5 members

Bazinga MVP