SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

There was only one kill.
So either 1 attack+ hit an immune, a healed person or someone else that isn’t immune but doesn’t die when attacked(?)


Maybe a Chronomancer time-warped an attack, they don’t get informed of that I don’t think?

It could’ve been a redirected attack,but there should be 2

Ahhh. I forgot about Chrono

Maybe killers were jailed,occupied or killed the same person?

Possibility list, feel free to add to:

  1. Both attacked Sam
  2. An immune was hit
  3. Redirection shenanigans
  4. Attack was prevented via occupy or merc guard sorta thing
  5. A killer was jailed
  6. A killer tried to hit the jailed person
  7. A killer tried to hit a healed person
  8. Chronomancer

Chronomancer, just Chronomancer.

Remember Chronomancer delays every ability on a target.

Probably redirection,I doubt scum would try to kill someone who claimed night immune neutral.
I have no idea for the other kill.

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It’s possible they weren’t paying attention to the chat, honestly I never saw Sam’s night immune neutral claim.

I wasn’t even online. I just picked my target from the OP and nothing else tbh

Look from this post(he only softed child)

/vote PoisonedSquid

Hjasik claimed child
Sam claimed child
Nao claimed pretender

You should read d1,it was interesting



Also many people claimed neut because I said I’ll protect neutrals that claimed

Random Voting Session.

Stop shutting down RVS. That’s distinctly anti-town.

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I have no fucking idea what RVS is.

Wait that’s Random Voting Session fuck me.