SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Here somewhat and nearby posts.

Why have you not read the thread

because it has 2000 posts in it

who do you believe is scum from the posts you have read


How much have you read?

Okay Children, nothing happened to Firekitten.

Ok father

He may have been investigated tho, not going to lie.

excuse me, I am the child in this relationship.

Is this…
Are you really claiming…

I feel like this is deflecting.

No father

deflecting what

you can’t falco down special if there’s no projectiles to deflect in the first place lad

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You don’t actually answer the question but instead throw an accusation at me.

If I ask you why or question further it would be self-conscious and you could form a wagon off of it.
If I leave it alone or try to ask something else the point is lost.

Are you softing children?

Protect wazza?

Hell no, we don’t protect Wazza.

That claim is fishier than an aquarium.

/vote Wazza

I made marl able to target 2 people tonight :slight_smile: