Fire dropped Lightsin in it in the first place
I mean real claim(patient,plaguebearer…)
So basically yes, anyone that is online would’ve told me this is a reaction test and how to do it cause I think it’s been proven I’m worse at them then my grandma walking down the stairs
Tactical bus? If light drops as random convert, could be.
Impossible as I,the king,started the reaction test.
not really
king is the type of class to lead and for others to rally around
Infection cap is pretty high
So I dunno, it could be, but at the same time I don’t see why they would need to, let alone at this point
Plus it stemmed from Lightsin being randomly pinged, and not by FK, so it doesn’t seem premeditated
Why don’t we let prince handle light?
Clarify this passive please. It’s confusingly worded to me. “The original Plaguebearer will be replaced regardless of the Day.” What does this mean?
Plaguebearer can only not be seen by Pathologist. Since we used Observer, Light could still be Plaguebearer and it’s better to jail and exe day 4 potentially.
I’d rather be roasted
plus prince isn’t gonna like it after i get executed at night
if PB dies D6 then starting Patient will replace him. no more replacements after that
The start of the bait
I think it means if starting Plag died any day, there will be a new Plag. But if 2nd or other Plag die D4 or after, there will be no replacement.
You guys were talkative.
It means that first PG will be always replaced
Hey @Kirefitten if you don’t mind me asking, what happened to you last night?
Light was reaction tested,observer was fake
As a reaction test… I understood it Blue.