SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Not my problem.

If PB is immune to only Patholigist checks then isnt immune against maid

Never said it was

Then what was the point of you replying to me with this then?

:tea: sips tea

Currently I think I know the scumteam If light isn’t scum, but go on.

/vote @PokemonKidRyan


Put your efforts into finding light’s scumteam pals rather than something that won’t happen

I am. Don’t worry

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hello there old chum

Well, least I can die knowing town is at least trying to do something

Light liked my post,does this mean pkr and light aren’t both scum?


It’s Wifom don’t listen to it

Not necessarily

Post liking can be WIFOM for sure

@Lightsin make someone immune to bleeding if you are phyisican

just did, but whos gonna check when I did it

Oh really, didn’t you know maid had an ability that lets them know who uses the next day Ability

I didn’t get notified :thinking:

What if Light inocs someone and NAO bleeds them? There is a notification for bleeding, right?

Waiting on luxy, no response

Plus I decided to exhume mayor earlier today, but trying to retract that

Oh really

I used my ability as soon as day began