SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Listen,Nao will kill me N4,why don’t you wait?

I’m not giving you the chance to decide Fate execute

Anyone who doesn’t see this as evil king is blind imo

you will just be protected then get him lynched for trying to kill you tho

Nao reversed it,and I can always royal pardon to prevent myself from DF

Nao can infect,can’t protect myself from that (unless I lynch fool)

VC coming at last!!

Hey @Marcus_Doodalee you were checked as scum last night, wat do

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Kang is good kill nao

/unvote firkitten
/vote NAOtheritualist

Neuts out fuck 'em


Who did you check?

I just got invited to the log network,there is a socialite and he has a negative faction check…

Squid,was jailed

*positive actually

/vote solic

gasp but who

@Solic claim your faction,we can confirm 2 kingdoms or scum


Can you stop? I’m kingdom. I don’t even know what log network means though.

Socialite looks to be ten times worse than Maid by the way Luxy.

Hey I had incredibly shit luck in infection


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You are compatible with Nao you are NK!!

VC pls?