SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

You sure pulled a 180 from wanting to Decide fate execute…

And you full well know talking about replace outs is angleshooting :wink:

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And you are alch right?

oof ouch

why you finna do this to me

It’s neut

Guys, he passed

It was to see squid ’ s reaction

no it’s very clearly BD
I skimmed on the class card thread when I saw it needed a replacement

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Obviously I read everything. I sometimes personally filter some posts unintentionally though. Like the majority of the memes.

What else can I even say?!

Failed, I no longer trust you.

Ok he didn’t claim alch,
He claimed merc

Wait, one more question, WHEN did you read it?

nah bro he def claimed PB

I’m smelling a big ol readslist incoming from Celeste

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bark Get away from my precious Town boi >:(

I have a really bad tinfoil but I’m going to put on my tinfoil hat and keep it from being said

@Mercenary good job knowing the classes, but isaac did claim neut
(Merc exist btw)

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So… you went from a Squid to confusing english thing to a fucking dog?

Are you sure you aren’t drunk?

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Nah, I’m not posting it since it also has stuff with my logs in it and I dont need to out my very weak class yet