SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

This is a infected game
And infected=unseen
Target wazza

I just had a thought

Baz is trying to derp clear himselF

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Cw on wazza we need healers

wait is baz confirmed or not

No I can’t >:(


@kitten check baz and blue pls

You’re literally wrong if you think my strategy is incorrect.

Baz,do you have passives?

I dunno, but all I’m using is my target two people ability.

Wait my day ability can prevent jails lol

If we have mystic conduit me+kitten/blue/solic/wazza

Do not use it unless told to

No, Nao kills you, so royals can step up.

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The problem is the talkative people are all scum, so I have to do what I feel is best.

Have you read?


Remember this plan

Yes, I am hating his latest posts.