SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

@Geyde jail celeste

No, @Geyde Jail time

Aren’t we jailing Celeste? Jeez. Why would it even matter who precisely is jailed and who is hhed though.

the sad fact is the scum team all got outted through mechanics


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Oh yeah mibad

I’m sorry. I killed someone I shouldnt have. I could have swore that was the plan. I guess I misread chat.

@Geyde should have the last word on who is jailed tonight.

Maybe you can ping these plans like when the day is almost over. :roll_eyes:


Alright, just so people aren’t confused I’m gonna put it here

@Geyde Jail Timer
@Emilia HH Celeste
@Yaseen_Alcharihi Deus Vult Celeste & MaximusPrime

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I think Luxy should nerf some of the kingdom classes tbqh


Why was Timer the most active of this scumteam


Also I’m still happy timer taught me how to read people who come here from Tol

it’s actually fairly simple tbqh

Also tbqh is my new favorite word

Tbqh is a cool acronym ngl tbh

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Still, to be fair

I would say Timer would’ve gotten away with a lot more if they didn’t admit to being bled at the very start of the day

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can we skip king elections if everyone agrees

I imagine the answer is yes

I also imagine that the elections won’t be skipped