SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

What classes can even clean logs?

Certain NK’s

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Yeah you’d know about that, wouldn’tcha :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. Not shadethrowing, FK was Mind Flayer last Infection, which could clear logs

I looked it up, only Possessor and Infected Coroner can replace logs, it seems.

There is a NK who clears logs(Ifrit I think?)

keeping this is my log so far

Possible Teame (interactions not looking at their level of scumminess)
Blue + Astand

You are right. Also reaper.

Reaper doesn’t?

Gather Darkness (Day) - Consume two souls to make reap bypass death immunity. You will receive occupy and redirection immunity on the night you use this ability. They will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified), and you will receive their real logbook when they die. [Infinite Uses]

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Just looking it up

Gather Darkness says you can edit their logs and you’d receive their real ones

Also Mind Flayer… Yeah, a lot of NKs.

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okay then

I’m just going to put this information out here so you know if my logs are ever changed

My log has already 10 línes… :sweat_smile:

@PoisonedSquid you back yet?

I’ll just put in a fuckin’ meme or something since I don’t have anything to contribute that hasn’t already been put in this chat

Can you explain a bit more? What made you think that?

blue you are testing your town boundaries

It’s the way you helped him, Actually hold on a second

Astand how much of the thread have you read