SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Oh damn NAO Isn’t infected


One thing that wasn’t exactly addressed before (at least, I don’t remember) is that the starting Infection team must have at least one person who was competent and read the thread thoroughly enough to decide to attack child claim N1. That surely isn’t Timer or Maxi. Question is, could it be PKR?

Alternatively, they are all so incompetent, they missed the child claim altogether.

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solic can you do the child roleplay again

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Did you beer maxi? Do it so he can’t brew potion.

I did beer timer

Theoretically you are saying I am not PB here which is good since a check will confirm me as not P0/Others too

I thought your deathnote was going to confirm you?

Jk I used it on maxi

No it says specifically you could be PB
Also a check on PB would bring NS dumbo

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It will do. Since I am Pathologist. Yet I’d need to be guaranteed to visit. What if someone occupies me? We know we have occupiers

Isn’t PB also .occ.immune


Yet PB cannot kill :thinking:

Maxi is occupier and can’t use tar N3 because they used it N1.

Then I should be confirmed tonight.
I’ll smite insert choice of Infected here

Or you’ll convert insert poor fool who gets converted into a loss.

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I’ll be converted ye mean

Isn’t PB priority over P0

They are, but as you said, it’s hard to tell which is which.