SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

In Triple Threat at least, I was told that Chronomancer is never informed. Luxy could have a different take on this though.

Chrono isn’t informed. They aren’t investigative

Dear lord

I have been infected and will die in 2 nights.

so what youre saying is firekitten lied

Me getting infected does not prove whether FK lied or not.

@Marcus_Doodalee @Luxy Votes won’t count themselves, you know. And whenever you decide to actually make a VC, you will have to postpone the EoD, because I will not accept you barging in and saying “hi guys, it’s no lynch btw, night 3 begins.”

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I mean, it’s already 73 hours since day started. But we lost 10 hours on king selection being 22 hours instead of 12 hours.

And I consider every hour after this request wasted time as well, it was 25 hours ago.

To those wandering, Marg is not on trial yet.

Game is bastard and using my Grand Idea Chronoman

She has like 8 votes or something.

Wait a sec, I didn’t count her name shortened as marg, I think she may have been hammered for trial.

They gave you infected results, but didn’t count votes? :thinking:

10 votes with king double votes.

Yes, Marcus is lazy ass, he said I’m infected but does nothing in thread. Part of the reason I’m pissed off.

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@Margaret You have been put on trial and have 24 hours to make defense.


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though pretty sure we have to wait for hosts


This is wrong.

This is also wrong.

I asked Luxy and he confirmed, he also noted that “Chrono would be boring without it”

Yet another case of Luxy making stuff up. However, if CW barriered the negative effect, it means you didn’t delay it because there was nothing to delay.

Luxy said I’d only get notified via a successful delay, I delayed nothing on FK N1.

He then said that otherwise, Chrono would suck.