SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned


They weren’t they were scum

Just don’t host on a trip. Don’t leave. :cry:

Focussing on senior year of HS

Wanna get into medicine at university


Why the fuck would you never use Little Bird

They were converted last night. Their log was completely true.

still scum


We weren’t happy about the log either. In hindsight it made sense for Marl to do it as Margeret was about to be CS’ed by Insanity. Datbird screwing that up and getting hostconfirmed really screwed that plan.

personally annoyed at baz play this game tbh



that doesn’t require leaving entirely though
you can just be inactive and dont join games unless you end up with a ton of free time :thinking:

Y’all played good tho

Baz gave marl a double convert

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who were fellow neuts?

Who would you have converted if Baz hadn’t empowered you?

just nao and squid

What a meme

Literally only Squid the Werewolf and Nao the Pretender.

Only Squid the NK and NAO the Pretender.