SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

low-key fk or one of the quieter ones like baz

Solic I read your iso and it screams you are softing court wizard

one job you have is to be on geyde

I dont :clap:

I just request to be checked around D3-D5 if there is kingdom and infected in the graveyard.

nobody asks or announces when I’m checked.
The Invest or both invests who check me are only to announce results at the beginning of that day.

also I’m in the mood for Kirby FM now.

no bowls of oatmeal tho

that’s wrong.

Mr Solic. You see, that I am forced to turn at the start of D3.



D1 is fun again yay

not my job
my job is to chill while everyone kill each others and then kingmake NK


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I better be made convert immune by the Regent though.

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i don’t have to worry about convert since scum king probably still wants me in jail

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Can you tell me why you think that?

cause he told prince to jail me

will see if prince even saw tho

No, I mean this comment.

They were replying to a different comment

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solic it’s obvious time is neutral or town fight me

Soo? Their reads can be valuable. :eyes: Let me hear why he thinks you’re scum. Maybe he’ll convince me.

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oh right

fk assuming too much for d1 and silent people are always susp

Did I forgot to mention I’m a mason with time

@Solic Ice ward me instead of just barrier