SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

no you told me in our chat


Any Court wizard that does’t iceward right of the bat is a fool.


what if I turn into Peter Griffin?

Here’s what’s happening

Catch Up For Skimmers

Pug is actually a phyisican. His neutral claim I was going to let slide but then he ruined it by appearing obvious down. He’s healing me tonight.
Solic is a court wizard, he’s ice warding geyde tonight.
Meteor is debting solic
Baz is ice warding me me

wait no

pug heals blue tonight

what should I Do

Defend uh…someone?

what about me

eat the rats or nah?

how can a kid defend

idk uh also defend someone

oh yeah

uh hide behind someone

also I can jail someone

Prince is jailing squid as well

but do i eat the rats?

I can call fbi

Maybe idk

Prince should WIFOM

i am actually important and if we have a knight please be on me

WIFOM some of that protection on me as well. :wink:

Sure we have some new supports.

isaac with the bait