SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

The forum is attacking back!

Solic, stop.

Unless you both are trying to pull some elaborate WIFOM, just stop.

blue I’m not crazy hjaisk and solic BOTH saw it

plan is still here except pug is actually a court wizard and I got confused glhf

actually no

pug not the time for Wifom. Like we need this plan.

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well I never actually said anything about being phys or cw

But I figured it out right :thinking:

fk is crazy again


I’m not

I hate everyone who ruined this sad face

also open plans are a great idea

im now more likely to die yaaay

at first I wanted to play along with you

why didn’t you :frowning:

but I feel now is when I cant

Not that it’s relevant to here specifically but I think I figured out system’s problem

because I’m a stinky noob

Solic and blue aren’t both scum together

that’s all I got from this

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Sorry ‘-’

WIFOMs just confuse me, I deal in certainties

Which is probably why I’m terrible at FM