SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Liking Marl’s tone right now.

weird flex but ok

I just woke up. Happy New Year!


@DatBird your scumsigns from Grande Idea are showing.

@DatBird, now that you are here,explain why I have a neutral peek on you
/vote datbird

Why be DatBird when you can be DabBird


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Nice try king… I’m a loyal servant

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I see you read

What signs because I’m trying to improve

nani the fuck

As in to not look scummy as town

Is this a scumslip “Not so loyal servant”

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hey town, because I can’t see scum physically doing this

/vote Meteoro


You don’t try to not look scummy as town,you search scum

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Someone else claimed child dude

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Opportunistic king

You kinda need to do both tbh

Why does everyone believe he claimed child?

I did it because now it forces you to confirm me, or you are scum. If you confirm me you can no longer mislynch me. Checkmate :chess_pawn:

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