SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

what a lad

what a chungus


chungus is dead and we have killed him

do not desecrate him more than necessary

No necromancy allowed

but…but… i’m a necromancer

@Icibalus Luxy tells me he will implement your noble rework if you join

that’s driving a hard bargain

especially w/ no whispers

Counter; I’d rather not be slaughtered by an undefeatable demigod of an NK who literally just wins if they’re even semi-competent.



Mind flayer was nerfed

Or I will Deus Vult you and king @MaximusPrime

Also jesus christ people nk is 1 vs 24 you should be able to beat him



It has to be admitted that FK was extremely good in all honesty at playing nk (I didn’t read the game so don’t smite me)

only 1/24 chance of killing them + high KP gives them a way higher EV than they should
the fact they’re all brokenly OP as fuck dosen’t help that

oh shit it didn’t work

heckin discourse

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great job