SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Opportunity to mislynch, bucko, it can be easy to tell if a read is fake or not, and a fake read can cause some massive trouble

Squid lolcatting is quite funny

How about you stop arguing with me and actually let me read what I missed so I can give you a name. Or are you willing to give me a summary? :thinking:

Should I tell Squid she’s already dead
I feel like I should
I may wait

you should tell them omae wa mou shindeiru

You can WIFOM me later all you want. You invested in this game prior and should have at least some semblance of scumreading if you were town.

The fact that you are so reluctant to put forward anything just shows me you’re scum even more.

Do you remember what you said about Squid shading when they are scum by the way Firekitten. :eyes:

Solic she’s already lolcatting at this point

Solic trying to make all these big reads on squid trying to find her inner town when she’s lolcatting lol

@Kirefitten I just realized something as I’m reading, you called me Town earlier, but it’s obvious you changed your mind, what caused that to happen?

no you’re fucking not

  1. maid doesn’t start with a check
  2. then if you got incompat there would be 2 people that you would be susp of
  3. i’m not fucking scum
  4. is maid even in this game?

Maid is a two-person selection check in Infection. It’s the Ici version pre-ToL revision iirc

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n1 already passed

lolreactiontests reading you as town?


It’s Day 2, bucko


wow it feels like 2018 was just yesterday, right?

kk thx

I’m thinking Squid is NK to be honest, since she did react quite quickly to Light being voted. I think scum Squid wouldn’t try to bus like that.

She was also jailed with only 1 nightkill.

Please vote firekitten this is annoying, they’re open wolfing

/vote firekitten