SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

nice claim

like I can’t get in a groove today

No votes suck

asking questions don’t help nearly as much as voting does tbh

10/10 Best Neut class :ok_hand:


@TheTimerPlays are you an alch

the way that timer isn’t claiming means they are AFRAID of claiming.


im not claiming d1 smh

Why do I feel like he’s searching a good fakeclaim?

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They wanted to be neutrals in and claimed neutral however won’t say their class

nah i don’t even have class list open

then jail exe

Then what’s the holdup?

I claim a blue class

im not a neut, im a net

Claim and I’ll protect you

Why do you need a class list to know what your class is?

they are same thing

why would you protect a neut?

not to me

What is a net?