SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

thanks fam

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“Jailor is a member of the Coven! Jailor is a member of the Coven! Jailor is a member of the Coven! Here’s mah will! Here’s mah will! Here’s mah will! Here’s mah will! Here’s mah will!”

oh boy i guess i can’t use my own experiences to judge someone

oh no

/reveal as mayor

(this is a joke btw pls don’t kill me luxy)


(I know it’s based around ToS but meh, I enjoyed the sketch)

Let’s immediately assume that I’m sarcastically mocking you instead of just answering me on why you think that.

Maybe you have a point and you convince me, you know…

maybe i’d just prefer not to say it

hm? what say you

(oh dear god tol rp is getting to my head)

And FK, Marl, and Metero unless if you want to be added to the list


I be not takin’ advice from a lowly landlubber such as yerself :pirate_flag:



Okay, I found the whole scumteam then, nice

Legit Max? :roll_eyes:

why is it that i have to explain everything i do

fuck off

literally you’re the only one who questions me at every bend and turn and it’s actually quite frustrating

k bye





This person didn’t even ask for a doctor.

Anyone with a post counter of 100 or higher is not getting my ability tonight therei s too much posting


I sure love to hate you.

I just honestly wanted your contribution FOR ONCE. I know you actually have it in you from that turbo.

If you haven’t noticed I question a lot of players, you’re not that special to me Max.

Can I?

Damn I should shut up.