SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

my flip thing is blue and has words and stuff

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im going back into d1 meme timer

Ignore firekitten there’s no point posting today since we’re executing them

baz stop trying to kill your team

What did you do last night Baz?

I will attempt to play this game seriously. I promise.

I present you, firekatto.

hey folks tell me someone to iso

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wat ._.

why did FK lie about and why do it makes them scum @astand

Wait, you talking about D1? It’s old news.

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I’ve some theories swirling in my noggin atm


Youll know tonight FUCBOI

nah don’t do datbird


Celeste! Hi!

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I wasn’t here D1, meanie!

Also those with royal blood should step up so we can PoE starting PB/PZ