SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

btw you are likely to die tonight if you aren’t healed

wait doesnt that mean he isnt patient zero since blue is stil alive

Paitent zero has an delayed 2-1
Explaining no weird deaths

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But it’s gonna be all Gucci cause @Pug is going to be Physician

Isn’t that right

okay, well Im just gonna stand by until someone wants me to do a Deus Vult

You die tonight if you aren’t healed

hes already ww

He was actually fool though. This game has like million disguises

Who did you target last night btw(

Not sure why people would out themselves as NK/fool when they know they’ll flip town… would have been funnier

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Like if you use your second night ability on yaseen he can kill 4 people

Wow that sounds like a really good idea to listen to FK

I can ensure I’m healed, if Pug will be physician.

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dude it kills in a night

x4 lynch

oh okay never mind

He transforms today, genius

Sorry that was passive/aggressive

whats wrong with being passive/aggressive

won’t he change at the end of tonight?

his thing is a night ability

or he won’t have a guaranteed chance to be phys