SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

I said this. Celeste hasn’t contributed.

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Prince and a lot of neutral slots are taken actually. Why shouldn’t we massclaim? :thinking: I think it depends on the number of royals.

I mean I’m known as confirmed Kingdom anyway so it makes no real mind as to what I out as in Infected’s eyes.

If what is to be believed is true, I’m going to be healed tonight by our Pugsician anyway.

can i go on a quest dad

I’d prefer to have the quest…

Which one is it Timer? You legit have the timestamp from the host and you could even ask them.

Oh never mind, you’re really caught scum. A newbie town would have claimed under that.

What do you think? :thinking:

I think it’s natural to want to quest especially since, if Blue is confirmed here, the Pathologist (I believe it is) would auto make them immune anyway

That’s assuming the Patho hasn’t used that right off the bat.

Unless the Pathologist was converted and somehow nobody else rolled pathologist, Blue would be safe and thus the quest should go to someone else.

Why would they use it when there’s quite a high chance of hitting scum without knowing?
They’d surely check first, I would anyway

tbf there are a gajillion and one classes you could be in this, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine no duped classes.

Thus the quest shouldn’t go to you since you very much are likely to be protected

Eh, I’ll explain why I should have some form of convert immunity, at least.

I’m Court Wizard. I figure if we can have a WIFOM nest of convert immunities we can shut down the Infected pretty quickly.

who’d you protect so far?

it isn’t 100% accurate but can give us a good indication of who isn’t converted

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I’m pretty sure someone will have emergency inoculated you
Stop trying to hog all the protection, others need some too

I protected FK N1 (which is why @Solic didn’t get their Order) and the person I believe to be the Pathologist N2.

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None of this explains why I would want to quest you of all people though.

Would said Pathologist have inoculated immediately in your opinion? Or would they have waited?