SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned


I did become Physician.

N1: Blue
N2: Solic

so I guess it’s either he is Phys


I become something depending on flips.

I am now Phys though.

Guessing N2 had me occupied or some shit.

Pug, you tried to become a WW’s pseudo-class N2, which Afflicted can’t do.


Ok BlueStorm.

Anyway y’all.

Any confirmed Kingdom players that need innoculation or shall I exhume instead?

Now when are we getting to vote on the new kang

The Vote for King has begun!

The Possible Candidates are:


Voting is Done in Classcards!

Prince stepped up, lol.


Last I checked, Child wasn’t a Royal.

I know who I’m voting.
I did tell ye who I was on

Hjasik mentioned something about a soft.

I’m not voting for them of course

I’m just curious as to what they may be.

Also it’s imperative Kingdom vote for Solic here.


Scum are likely going to vote for Nao (Or the prince to fuck over our plan to jail timer)

NO ONE vote for Nao or the prince, we need a good king.

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It’s imperative that we all vote so scum can’t abuse this

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I think my post got ignored mostly, but again, why are we so certain Timer is precisely Patient Zero?

i have no idea
firekitten was the one who made the assumption, maybe he has more info?
class type check possibly?

We’re running on the basis that Insanity CSed and that P0’s attack either failed or was the 2-for-1 delayed kill that they have (which is why there’s a Pugsician on me)


@Pug Exhume Insanity. We can solve this.

Even if P0’s attack failed, it doesn’t mean that Timer is P0. Also, as I said, we can’t assume Insanity died from suicide.