SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Uh, hello

It’s not like I can stop those at all or anything :eyes:

@bazingaboy if you give me another double action tonight we can win tomorrow night. I can kill two infected.

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btw this is why you don’t make classes overpowered

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I really don’t like all these “gamesolve” plans. There are a gazillion scum classes and whichever plan gets proposed will just have the right hole in it for scum. :eyes:

Lmao Paladin plus Sheriff, ez clap
No cooldown either

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… Getting invest result is slept peacefully now?


It means I wasn’t occupied nor hit a jailed target. So to me that is SP

How can you? :thinking: I thought you claimed diplo. Drunk?

Lynch top PB And jail Second top PB

He’s full of shit tbh

If he is drunk he should happy hour geyde to bypass immunity


Are you drunk? hic?


What’s ur logs

This feels fake

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N1 deb waz
N2 /deb geyde

Shhh. Let him talk.

Converted Diplo
That’s what I think hjasik is

Why did you do those actions?

You said earlier that you visited Geyde both nights.