SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

It’s the only explanation.

Ok, so who we actually lynch now that Dat is cleared. Candidates are: Timer, Max, Nao and I guess potential PBs (I would jail/HH them though).

lynch me bc you blindly follow the ‘child’ yeah no thanks

how much longer are you going to continue this fucking charade

Isaac never claimed child. Stop it, it hurts to read.

but i pretender ;-;

Use your check tonight then. And if we even slightly suspect you bled someone, you are dead.

Check, like, kape, to 100% confirm him, for example.

Geyde, Solic, DatBird, Hjasik.
If any of them are dead tomorrow, your life is over. Your only chance now is to beg for a win near end game.

how am i supposed to protecc 4 people ree ;-;

and who the heck are you?
the pronce or wat

Yes, Astand is the Prince.

Yes, and I don’t like the fact that some pretender can just randomly stab me. Even though I’m getting protected for sure.

@Kirefitten can your class tell the difference between special and investigative? Maybe you should ask Luxy if Plag comes as investigative for some reason (I wouldn’t be surprised).

You just don’t attack anyone for starters. That’s how.


i’ll check them but idk if it’s something relevant.
also as long as you don’t step up as king , I will just let you live. Deal?

You know he can jail execute you? :thinking:

He exed someone , didn’t he?

No that was a fool, Astand still has executions left.

oh ok cool

Yeah sure dude. Whatever you say. I’ll check one of those from your list.

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