SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Who and what could it even be? I think it’s rather likely we only have 2 neuts.

Unless Timer is Lab Assistant.

Well only Child and Mercenary would be prone to outing as the rest has.

Let’s see if he comes back.

Hold off on the Pretender lynch.

@Kirefitten are you still infected?

PoF Time or Maxi?

The WIFOM will prevent them both Blue, do it.

PoF? Explain?

…? I need to explain this to you. :thinking:

Max can brew potion even if pofed I think, pof timer, hjasik beer max.

Oh. Erm, too late.

Blue is on now. He can wifom between them both or they can infect.

What do you think I mean??

I’ve already submitted my day action.

WIFOMing Ice Ward between Bird, Geyde and Solic.

/vote Timer

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Meeh, maybe quadruple WIFOMing was too much.

I need FK to come back and say if they’re still infected.

/vote Nao
the only lynch today
if he attacks our prince we lose everything

If he attacks prince, he will fail, because there are many wifom protections around him, at least one person will protect prince.

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At the same time lynching the confirmed infected do nothing because they aren’t PB. I can kill the infected at night with my second night ability.