SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Did you check FK last night? Stop talking in riddles.

I will HH fk if this flips town and yasen will Deus vult him ok?

I’ll have a quick read up when I get on my laptop.
Currently sorta in a lecture and it is my birthday today, so I’m sorta busy

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Happy birthday :partying_face:


What about occupation of a lab assistant? :thinking:

Entering true tinfoil territory here

It wasn’t canned only because of the result of the poll.

The poll is irrelevant

also Luxy still hasn’t confirmed wether or not this is actually canned
so most of this discussion is pointless

You mean PKR is faking it :eyes:

Plot twist this game is actually canned

@Luxy give us a Vc if the game isn’t canned
if it is canned let us know so we can stop playing

Actually it is so I am outing as infected drunk

you were seen 26 minutes ago you can’t hide from me

Who are your scumbuds?

There being a secret investigator who checked FK N2 is not pointless discussion. I don’t know what the heck you are trying to say with this, marl. Every person in the game claimed, who is that secret hero?

it is pointless if this is canned

Margaret timer and max

Assume it’s not, because if it is, it wouldn’t matter if we talk, if it isn’t, you should talk.

Are you serious?

Soo it was Marge, I guess that ends the game then…