SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned



Because you aren’t actuary

mm inves immunity is back before d4


You are wrong

@Kape maybe you should bleed me, I was already infected, so it doesn’t matter for me.

That’s utter waste

Will you get notified of a second bleed attempt? I assume it works like ToL where you get only one message.

Tbh I have no idea, it was just a thought.

he should do it on someone who isn’t confirmed scum, but is likely to be scum

Scum will not confirm me…


open wolves won’t as it leads to them taking an arrow

Literally all infection can bleed. I trust him more based on his softs. We can use the killpower.

Just bleed me I’m already infected

In tol you get messaged if you are bled again

people who have a chance to deep wolf will likely reveal it truthfully

If you are already bleeding you won’t get a notification about a 2nd bleed.

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@Kirefitten get to the point, do you think marl and celeste are on the team?

no I think marl is lying

there’s a difference between him being scum and just lying