SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

we are a chatty bunch

i think a lot of it is memes tho

Why did you roll scum? :thinking:

Summary @MaximusPrime

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I saw that Qedit

Who tf is Max Neilsen

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seriously i am tired of shitty reaction tests like you’re not even trying

if you’re going to do reaction tests please at least try to make it semi good


thx fk

also what

But you would say you are experienced in Throne of Lies?

Solic I caught a bunny

pretty much enough yeah

not a newb at it in any way

Before FK’s post was Qedited, he tagged Max_Neilsen instead of you

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@Max_Nielsen hey fam



This is what I resort to D1 guys

I’m bored

A’ight, to the Grande Ideas thread to make a Twitch-related class

does anyone know how many people haven’t confirmed yet?

Timer is probably town from his post volume and audacity to shade Firekitten. New scum wouldn’t put themselves out there like that unfiltered.


Solic that’s exactly why I town read him

There’s still a few people that have yet to speak

Most frighteningly of all, this includes Marl

Though it’s well documented he doesn’t care about large player games, he just joins them to get FM queues moving

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Solid dude!

You won’t pocket me still :eyes: