SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is actually scum counter claiming

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Marl is easily a fool (is that a thing in this?) we need the prince to kill him

Marl what did you think of our mass claiming episode

Actually you just claimed for everyone fk

I didn’t claim for everyone wut

go back to sleep


I was never asleep


Can you explain how you got 2 CW claims and what they are doing, because I hecking don’t know you got to that conclusion. Unless you talked in infected chat about it :thinking:


Well, haven’t read the thread yet.

gimme the claim list and i’ll tell you how bad it is

I wanna open claim but idk if that is a good idea


They claimed it. Go ahead and read the 1,000 post to find it

An open claim is the best claim


I did actually read it, and not once have I seen someone claim CW. If you can kindly point me to the post, I would be grateful.

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I can’t be bothered to go through them but I’ll try to find it

so tell me who claimed what