SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Sam was clear as daylights not showing a survivor perspective. Surv would be hampering their chances of surviving by trying to get FK in jail instantly and pushing Marl aggressively, angering two TLs.

Your logic allows Hja to be completely free in the very real case they are not child.

Hjasik probably isn’t child either.

Okay so what the fuck is going on about this Child shit and about the Sam17z CC on hjasik’s child claim d1?

Did I get that right?

Wazza can I ask who did you visit N1?

That would be Firekitten.

Your tone reads to me that you couldn’t have been converted.

K thanks

Top 10 Anime Betrayals

Hello scum

Why’d you need that.

Hello Father

To have info,don’t worry.

That’s extremely fucked up


You wont get info from that, there would be no effect on that, trust me, I’d know.

Why do you ask

Don’t question me

@Marluxion What is your opinion about FK’s scheme yesterday? You were the one who were actively pointing out Solic’s claim was fake.

I have reasons

what scheme