SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

@MaximusPrime do you think meteoro is a good king

He seems to have motivation, but is also very aggressive

tbh probably but i suck at reading people so don’t quote me on that

I’m null on meteoro

but I shall ISO him since you asked.

To keep the plan I made.


A completely bullshit reason to vote for someone.

Town is generally considered the Good Faction.

It’s like voting someone for calling infected scum or wolf.

plays it off as a meme I see.

I’m not sure how I think of this.

Well if you do always joke. it’s not a good way to play as town.
ignore the hypocrisy

another thing that shows that he’s trying to sheep.
neuts in or neuts out should be something you make up in your mind. not what other people tell you to do.

well. if you know the powers of scumkitten.

You would not do this.

after this the [REDACTED] shitposting started and it was fun

now he’s asking for neut claims. which is honestly a decent idea but… here’s the question.

what is he going to get from it?

RVS is sorta fucky.

and he switched off the random so quickly.
This may be to pretend his RVS didn’t exist.

Then once Wazza responds to the RVS. He proceeds to vote wazza.

Once Geyde brought up points about Wazza being scummy.

Meteoro proceeds to unvote with the reasoning.

This could be a way to protect a possible scum? Might it not.

then he votes PKR. Whom. I had never realised was ingame until late today.

I have no idea what questing is so I’ll have to read that up.

after this. he suddenly jumps here (which was before the apparently “softing child” post)

Protecting Wazza just because he said that.

claiming neut as scum to attempt to get away with shit exists.

ah. so you’re trying to get the very possible Plaguebearer not outed with an awful claim? is that it?

Absolutely out of nowhere.
Was Wazza getting too much suspicion?
Also Regent does NOT have any faction checks.

willing to accept death feels not motivated.

This makes absolutely no sense to me.

Again. Votes out of nowhere even tho anyone reading the thread would’ve known NAO’s check didn’t happen.

He was trying to see if kape claimed neut.

but he didn’t so he’s not neutral?



Meteoro should stop claiming that targets had invest results on them.
You’ve done it like at least 3 times.
And that’s an over exaggeration.

The same trick just doesn’t work 24/7 and I feel this is a way of hiding that you are RVSing.

I do that all the time, I hide my RVSes too.


let’s have a break from Meteoro for a little bit.

Scummy post.
do I even need to explain why it’s scummy?

but that was a nice commercial break.

back to the painful show of RVS.

I can confirm that Light did like your post.

but NO. it does not

why does it have to be Geyde?

Yes. Light is scum but I don’t think King is cleared for this.


As much as I find the King scummy and the royal blood removal just doesn’t really matter. The only benefit Royal Blood even has is it allowing people to confirm claims with royal blood.

due to it being in it’s confirmable status.

All I learnt is that Lightsin is scum from this.

I just for some reason. Have that little intuition inside me that Meteoro could be Good.
I mean, if my personal percentages are 60% scum and 40% town.

I will vote him. Especially considering trials are here.
in my head it’s 3/5 that he’s scum.

/vote Meteoro

ewww ifunny

also I’ve seen that before.

btw his vote on me was a reaction test but i do agree with you on the other points

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/vote Meteoro

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Well. I was aware later that it was a reaction test as I hadn’t read his future posts.

I wouldn’t have voted him if there weren’t trials

but considering Luxy thinks trials are one massive feature of FoL rather than a timewaster…

I did so.

but trials are just safety nets.

Hey. They are VALUABLE to the fallibility of the game. Without trials, town has 0.3333333% of a chance at losing more than they already did.

well there’s also another thing to say about that.

Without them, people think about their votes more.

What are the rules of trials here anyway? Two per day?

You know that is not what I was asking.

I’m also not going to swap my vote unless you bring something more convincing then “gut”. What pinged your gut?

It’s not just gut he’s acting like a stereotypical evil king

90% of this ISO is you misreading Meteor’s intentions. Applying RVS at the start to create interactions isn’t AI in any way…

Where is he doing that? Quote some or at least one post for me please.

Marl, you might be accustomed to being sheeped just like that, but I really need more than this.

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