SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

I shaded obvious scum with a blue rolecard

Did he ever elab on them, see why?

No, it shows NS for all checks. Classcard is wrong.


This is kind of legit aaahhh. This is why you need to contribute early Marge. :eyes:

Im right u noobs

Solic celeste is scum

Do not buy her lies

Luxy mod erroered

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You’re still shading me with a memey statement like that. :eyes:

Its not for all checks

Its just for Path

It’s true tho

It is for all checks. Luxy confirmed it.

Anyone who believes this doesn’t know celeste


What are your notes celeste?


What post m8

Triggered very triggered

Both Celeste and PKR tried this derpclear defense. I think either of them is scum, but not both to be honest.

We know light isn’t PB right?

My notes have quite literally been tunneling you and solic in the case I die but deleted it once I checked solic


Literally examples of you harassing everyone but him and you avoiding him most of the time