SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

he can

PB is immune to bleed, right?

if he’s pb he’s just the world’s biggest meme of a pb

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wait is he

yes PB is immune


he is, ah k

Very fluent with the PB rolecard, aren’t you Kape? :thinking:

You’ll need to wolf either today or tomorrow tbh

This would explain possible can too, having PB caught so early is demoralising to scum.

I thought there was a reason, but I can’t remember it now.

Assuming successful convert N1 I would rather wolf tomorrow, but since we have an idea on who PB and P0 is I can do that now.

Wasn’t Timer currently bleeding or something

i’m fine with it waiting until tomorrow but you can’t get off longer than that

or so he claimed

reading PB and P0 classcards is sus now, eh?

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knowing luxy it’s possible he just told timer “someone tried to bleed you but you were immune!”

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Problem is, hosts wouldn’t react to his wolf fast enough for us to confirm it now.

reading rolecards of other classes is an advanced strategy only used by the highest of scum


if you remove the sarcasm from that message you’ll decipher the true meaning

I’m a hunter, catching scum is my job :wink: