SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

Anyone wanna make me a list on what I need to clarify xd


Start with the gazillion pings. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PB not sus to all checks
Duelist losing royal blood next night.

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Well. Another cancelled FM

whew lad

the top tier hunter baits
@Kape is my new favorite new player

I was Afflicted turned Physician

I call this a personal win. Found NK day 2, got king as scum day 3.

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also luxy got mad at me for openclaiming afflicted

Also it was your first time being converted!

You took my purity away Marl.

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Also why the fuck did NAO, the neutral evil who needed to kill all royals, open claim?


i would too
neuts who side town deserve to die in a cell with an axe in their neck

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I mean. at least I was playing to my future wincon

Wanted you to pull some sneaky stuff to side scum tbh

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Guess I did well for a newb?


I was kinda sad I ended up placing my bounty on the lynch for that day and Luxy hostconfirms him. :confused:

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I would’ve loved to be converted still.

yes you did