SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

/vote Frost That is such bad logic, I’m intrigued to how you got to that.

You’re welcome.

Frost explain yourself please…

I said that to solic

Oh fair enough.

Your response priority is duly noted. Can’t justify yourself?

Okay everyone can vote Frost now. His silence now is telling.

I might engage with you again if you vote Frost and give me a check. :eyes:

Mate, I am watching a video with someone right now.

Mate, you still answered to Hjasik who was clearly no priority whatsoever.

Now tell me what you meant or perish. I have found my deathtunnel target of the day.

Did you get slept peacfully message?


Hmm not quite, wordly different.

Did you get a “You converted blabla” message? :eyes:

Ignoring me isn’t going to make me go away Frost.


Soul said he did

What the hell is this answer? Why would you say that?

You probably should vote him.

I could say the same for the devil claim?

Forget about him.