SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

Why am I alchemist again?
I chose evil alche last time as for some reason the sellsword-esque potion didn’t show amount of usages so I was like “Gimme dat bargain”
Now I know better for next time.


Don’t worry we can die together


Two open claiming neuts huh.

Pass. I’d rather not die.
Also, I have a question
@Pug if merc or sellsword rolls can you please leave their wincon unchanged? Sellsword who helps Town (Unseen) would be funny af to see =3

I’m not claiming. I was joking


Yes i rolled unseen



Pug execute isn’t available N1


Pretty salty on that execute

@Margaret why did you kill me?

Was that legit scummy or you wanted to kill me ever since you jailed me?

He just changed that to N2 after you got exed N1



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pkr’s not to blame tho


Yes Margaret and Luxy are totally in love with each other and are communicating out of game to catch scum

#Marluxy best ship

You mean pug ?