SFoL 45.5: RotBD III - Cancelled

/replace in

That’s if Astand doesn’t say anything ofc

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I can replace in.

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okay. I’ll send your classcard to you soon.

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The night phase has been extended by 10 hours.


You’re kind of implying this slot is town by the way, so that wouldn’t really fix it. :thinking:

Just saying to be fair, pardon this potential angleshooting

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how the fuck would I be implying.

scum slots can also break Mr smart man

anyway shut

Sending night actions out now

Day 2 has risen up.

Among waking up, you have found two dead bodies around the Castle.

MaximusPrime has been found dead.

He was The Herbalist

The Herbalist

Unseen Support
Remedy Studies (Passive) - Immune to bleeding.
Inoculate (Day) - Target player will be immune to bleeding - 1 use
Exhume (Day) - At the end of tonight. See what class killed target dead player or if they committed suicide. - 2 uses
Heal (Night) - Heal a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and cures poison and bleeding. - Infinite uses.
Self-Care (Night) - Heal yourself tonight. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

A logbook was found on his body

MaximusPrime | Herbalist

D1: Inoculate Marl
N1: Heal Marl
D2: Exhume

Margaret was also found dead.

She was The Insurgent

The Insurgent :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Vengeance (Day) - Your attack will pierce night immunity tonight. - 0 uses (Gains 1 use for each dead member of the Blue Dragon.)
Slit Skin (Day) - Targeted player will bleed and die in 2 nights unless healed. - 4 uses (shared)
Eliminate (Night) - Kill a target player if they are a member of the Unseen. If they are a neutral, they will instead be occupied. You will know which happened. - Infinite uses.
Without A Trace (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player, regardless of faction. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didn’t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 2 uses. (shared)
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

A deathnote was found on her body.

MW2 No Russian play it: amazing mission.

There was one death that everybody celebrated and one that everybody mourned. I’ll leave that to viewer interpretation as to which one was which.

Day 2 has now begun. Majority is 8

Luckily we all know this to be a lie and you actually inno’ed me Maxi. I can feel it. :eyes:

Wow celeste dead is a happy sam17z

Why the fuck is our devil claim not dead??? Stop sleeping town killers.

If anyone needs a reminder. :roll_eyes:

Also I’m going to bed, so cya.

I think that can be hjasik meming tbh

/vote Squid

No, it is not under any circumstances. Actually read the thread before saying something like that. :roll_eyes:

That claim is legit. Especially with Pug following it up. :smile:

/vote Sam Sure eager to help a fellow devil out.

This is also overcompensating your sadness inside at having your scummate gone.

Didn’t read above but I can’t take any hjasik day claim seriously. As due to his prior d1 meming